If you ever have any questions please reach out to us at [email protected].

Prep. Clean the area that your Shower Holder will be installed on with something like rubbing alcohol, and then dry the surface before installing.
Step 1. The Shower Holder comes with one of the adhesive pads already stuck to it’s back. Peel the paper backing off of the adhesive pad.
Step 2. Place it on the wall where you want to install it. It is important to note that once the adhesive grabs the wall, it is not very adjustable so take care to place it precisely where you want it.
Step 3. Allow the adhesive to secure it’s hold by not using it or your shower for one hour after installing it. After that, place your razor on the hook with the blades facing the wall, and enjoy.
Note: There is a spare pad in the packaging, do not discard that. Measure twice, stick once—the adhesive pad is designed to securely hold your razor without you having to worry about it falling off of the wall. Consequently, it is strong.

If you move or want to relocate your Shower Holder to a different wall, shower, or location, you need to break the bond from the adhesive pad.
If it’s a relatively new installation, you may be able to apply downward (shear) force and peel it off the wall.
If it’s been on for a while (for months or years), you may need to break through the adhesive mechanically. We’ve found that you can accomplish this with a strip of floss or something similar. Work it between the Shower Holder and the tile or wall. This will essentially saw through the adhesive bond. Once you’ve gone at least half-way down, you should be able to peel it off the rest of the way down.
Clean up any leftover adhesive pad on the wall, and remove as much of it as you can from the back of the shower holder.
Apply a new adhesive pad on the back of the Shower Holder and install it in your new location.

This three pack of adhesive pads are compatible with Shower Holder.
- Sticks and holds strong to most surfaces
- Includes three (3) adhesive pads for peel-and-stick convenience
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